Life in Cyprus – My New Blog
Hi everyone, nice to meet you (again)! 😊
I’m Nofar Ronen, a travel blogger, mom to Maya and Sophie, and wife to Roman. If you know me from my blog “Traveling Outside the Box,” then you already know how much I love sharing my journeys, experiences, and insights about traveling around the world. But this time, I’m here with something a little different – my new blog about life in Cyprus! 🇨🇾

Why Cyprus? In May 2021, we made a big decision – we moved to Cyprus. After years of traveling around the world, we felt it was time to settle down, choose a place we could call home, and discover what it feels like to live in an entirely new place. Cyprus was the best choice for us – it’s close to Israel, has a warm climate most of the year, low taxes, a relaxed pace of life, and warm, welcoming people. As time passed, we fell more and more in love with this island, and that’s exactly what I want to share with you here on my blog.

What will you find here? This blog is for anyone thinking about relocating to Cyprus, considering buying an investment property in Cyprus, or just wanting to get to know this beautiful island better. I’ll write about everyday life in Cyprus – what it’s really like to live here, what options there are for families with kids, and how to balance work with a relaxed life on an island. Additionally, you’ll find plenty of tips about real estate investments in Cyprus and the entire relocation process.

Join me on this journey! As always, my blog is a place open for questions, sharing experiences, and real conversations. I invite you to write to me in the comments, ask anything you’d like to know about life here, and be a part of the community we’re building around this blog. Whether you’re interested in relocation, thinking about real estate investments in Cyprus, looking for a new travel destination, or just curious about what it’s like to live on this magical island in the middle of the Mediterranean – you’re welcome to join me on this journey!
I can’t wait to share more experiences with you