My daily routine in Cyprus
Since I’m self-employed and work from home (or rather, from a café :)), maintaining a consistent routine is very important to me to avoid wasting time. As a mother of two young daughters, my free hours are quite limited, so my schedule constantly adapts to their needs. However, I try to stick to a routine that allows me to enjoy my days, feel productive, stay socially active, and, most importantly, spend quality time with my daughters and with Roman.
7:30 AM – Wake up and get the girls ready for daycare.
8:00 AM – Drop them off at their daycare and school.
8:45 AM – Gym session, Pilates, swimming, or a walk with a friend.
9:45 AM – Arrive at a café near home: coffee and a slice of bread with cream cheese, avocado, and tomato. This is where I work on my blog and manage my projects.
1:00 PM – Head back home to prepare a simple lunch, like rice with frozen vegetables and tahini or yogurt. (If Roman is home, he cooks for us.)
2:00 PM – More work on my projects.
3:15 PM – Head out to pick up the girls.
4:00-6:30 PM – Outdoor activities, play areas, or if Maya has a class, I spend time with Sophie.
7:00 PM – Dinner with Roman. Usually, he cooks together with Maya, or she and I prepare something light.
7:30 PM – Bath time and some playtime with the girls.
8:30 PM – Bedtime for the girls, followed by some Netflix time for me. 🙂
This is my usual weekday routine from Monday to Thursday.
Fridays are dedicated to date time with Roman. After a morning workout, we do something together (sometimes we also work for a few hours). Occasionally, I meet a friend for breakfast or lunch during the week. On Thursdays, I also do grocery shopping.
Saturdays and Sundays are family days when we spend time together as a family.